Part of the group that was in the O event |
We walked in and they had a Candy Bar that was set up in the back with all items that were "O" themed....O donuts....O candy rings....O water bottles....
There was giveaways and an ice breaker game that involved animal noises, Lifesavers, toothpicks, and major invasion of personal space...yea...I won't go into details but it was great! hahaha!
There were five ladies that spoke before the main speaker. While a few of the speakers main had have a similar vein: "I was born in a Preachers house...." or "I have always been in church....",the paths were so different for each of the ladies. I was amazed at how great God is, in that we can all come from different backgrounds and places, yet be untied with on thing.....Serving God!
I'm sorry to say that I was not able to record all the names of the speakers, but they all brought something different to the table. From the girl who knew verse after verse, to the one from the broken home, to the therapist, and the attorney all had an underlying message....they ALL had to come to the point in their lives where they had their very own "AH HA!" moment with God. When that happens, then our steps are ordered and we can know that we are in His will.
This conference really came to me at the time when I needed to hear these types of things....I have been feeling like I have been in No Man's Land (or I guess I should say No Woman's land) for such a long time now....from career to church. Like ....."Here I am God! What's the next thing you want to use me for?? God? Hello?? Gooooood??" ( God and I are pretty tight like that....I rage at Him and He answers when He's good and ready)
I loved how my eyes were opened to the fact that God treats us all as individuals (ORIGINALS) and if I "Position myself with a Purpose" then He will use my abilities (such as they are) for His glory. He's not going to lay something in my heart if its not even in my ability to do! Stop worrying about that, Diana! First I must commit myself to Him and He will do the rest.
As it says in Psalms 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." He will never give you a vision without providing the Provision!
positioned with a purpose!!!!